How to Treat Age Spots On The Face and Hands 


Age spots, sometimes referred to as liver spots or solar lentigo, are flat tan, brown, or black spots that vary in size. While they’re most commonly found on the face, hands, shoulders, and arms—areas that get the most sun exposure—they can appear anywhere on the body. Let’s delve into understanding age spots and the various treatment options available.

What Are Age Spots? 

Age spots are the result of an excess production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin and hair color. They are benign, which means they aren’t cancerous, and they don’t pose a health risk.

What Causes Age Spots?

Several factors contribute to the formation of age spots:

1) Sun Exposure: This is the main reason for the appearance of age spots. The skin produces more melanin to protect itself from UV radiation, leading to these darkened areas.

2) Tanning Beds: Artificial UV light can have the same effect as natural sun exposure.

3) Aging: As the name suggests, age plays a role, with spots becoming more common and pronounced as you get older.

Treatment Options

Several treatments can help reduce or remove age spots, each with its own set of pros and cons.

1)Topical Treatments: Lightening creams or gels can gradually fade the spots. Prescription versions often contain hydroquinone, tretinoin, or a corticosteroid.

Pros: Non-invasive, relatively affordable.

Cons: May cause skin irritation or discoloration if not used properly. Can take several months to notice a difference.

2) Laser Therapy: This method destroys melanin-producing cells without harming the skin’s surface.

Pros: Can be more effective than topical treatments. Immediate results.

Cons: More expensive, can cause discomfort, redness, or swelling. Multiple sessions might be needed.

3) Microdermabrasion: A procedure that sands off the outermost layer of the skin.

Pros: Non-invasive. Refreshes the skin.

Cons: Temporary redness and sensitivity. Multiple treatments required for best results.

4) Chemical Peels: Acid is applied to the skin to burn off its top layer.

Pros: Reveals younger, smoother skin.

Cons: Requires downtime. Can cause temporary redness, stinging, and skin peeling.

5) Cryotherapy: Involves freezing age spots with liquid nitrogen.

Pros: Quick, often done in one session.

Cons: Can cause temporary skin discoloration or scarring.


Recovery largely depends on the treatment method. Topical treatments usually involve minimal downtime but may cause slight redness or peeling. More invasive treatments, like chemical peels, require more recovery time due to skin sensitivity, peeling, and potential swelling.


Prevention is always better than cure. Here’s how to prevent age spots:

1) Sunscreen: Always use broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher.

2) Avoid Peak Sunlight: Refrain from going out between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun’s rays are strongest.

3) Wear Protective Clothing: Long sleeves, wide-brimmed hats, and sunglasses can shield your skin from UV radiation.

4) Avoid Tanning Beds: The UV light from tanning beds is as harmful as direct sunlight.


Age spots are a common skin concern, especially as we grow older. While they’re harmless, many people opt for treatments due to cosmetic reasons. Before committing to any treatment, always consult a dermatologist or skincare professional to ensure it’s the right choice for your skin type and condition.


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