Endoscopic Forehead Lift




Purpose (Indications)

Deep wrinkles in forehead

“Drooping eyebrows”

What It Does

Decreases the muscle movement in forehead that causes frown lines

Re-supports eyebrows and forehead tissues to a more natural position

Technique-miniature Incisions Hidden in Hairline

Dissolvable sutures and small clips used to temporarily support tissues

Laser used to contour muscles

Recovery Time

3-5 days

Recovery Instructions

Ice compresses for first 48 hrs. to help minimize bruising and swelling

No lifting over 10 lbs. or straining for 1 week

Sleep with head elevated for 2 weeks

How Long It Lasts

5-10 years in most cases

Ancillary Procedures That Can Be Performed In Conjunction With An Endoscopic Forehead Lift



Laser Resurfacing

More Information

This is an example of minimally invasive surgery. It is a newly developed technique that addresses laxity in the eyebrow and forehead area. In this surgery, small incisions are hidden behind the hairline. Specially developed lasers with small telescopes are used to elevate and reposition the sagging tissues in the forehead. This procedure is especially helpful for specific areas of sagging, such as the medial portion of the eyebrow and to help contour muscles in those individuals who have severe wrinkling due to excessive muscle movement. The use of special lasers helps minimize the amount of swelling and bruising associated with this procedure, as well as greatly reduce the amount of postoperative discomfort.

Tissues are repositioned and secured into place with the use of pins and small clips hidden in the hair. These dissolve or are removed 7-10 days after surgery. A light dressing is applied immediately after surgery and removed the following day. Ice compresses are used over the forehead area for the first 48 hours. Patients sleep with the head elevated for 2 weeks and refrain from any heavy lifting or straining for the first 7 days after surgery. Swelling is usually minimal. In some individuals, however, mild swelling can occur 3-5 days after surgery in the mid-forehead and eyelid area. Most individuals find they can return to limited activity 3 days after surgery and to normal activity within 7 days.

The advantage of this surgery is that small incisions allow one to heal very quickly with a minimal amount of discomfort. The incisions are well hidden in the hair, so they are not detectable. The procedure helps decrease the excessive muscle movement in the forehead as well as reposition the eyebrows into a more natural position. In some cases, laser resurfacing may be performed simultaneously, or at a later date, to help further rejuvenate the forehead tissues and remove wrinkling.

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