
Botox is the most frequently performed cosmetic treatment, year after year. This revolutionary procedure smooths out those unwanted forehead wrinkles, frown lines, crow’s feet, and other facial creases.
The Botox procedure takes only a few minutes and no anesthesia is required. However, we offer numbing agents and other solutions for an added layer of comfort during your procedure. Botox is very safe when administered by our professional healthcare providers and risks of very minor. Generally, results take 1-7 days to take effect and last about 4 months.
By blocking the signals from nerves to the muscles, Botox causes injected muscles to no longer contract. This causes wrinkles to relax and soften, which results in a fresh, younger looking appearance.
Botox E-book

Purpose (Indications)
Temporarily reduces or eliminates wrinkling or “frown lines” & “crow’s feet”
What It Does
Drug attaches to nerve receptors in muscle and chemically turns off muscle
Numbing cream applied to area before treatment
Very small needle used to inject Botox into muscle in forehead
Procedure takes 10-15 minutes
Recovery Time
Recovery Instructions
Move muscles (by frowning) for first 3-4 hrs. following treatment – facilitates medicine moving into muscle
How Long It Lasts
3-7 months in most patients
Ancillary Procedures Commonly Performed In Conjunction With Botox
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Botox Cosmetic?
A natural, purified protein that relaxes wrinkle-causing muscles, creating a smooth, rejuvenated, and more youthful appearance. It is used as a non-surgical medical treatment to reduce unwanted wrinkles and frown lines.
How Does Botox Cosmetic Work?
Botox Cosmetic is administered in a few tiny injections of purified protein that relaxes muscles by temporarily blocking nerve impulses that trigger the wrinkle-causing muscle contraction.
What is Botox Cosmetic Used For?

Botox Cosmetic is FDA approved for the treatment of unwanted glabellar frown lines. These are the wrinkle or frown lines located between the eyebrows, that are commonly referred to as the “furrows” or “frown lines”. Botox Cosmetic can also be used by Dr. Beeson to medically treat wrinkles in the forehead, the crow’s feet area, and in some cases, fine wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, and other areas. These are termed “off-label” uses. This is similar to the way that doctors use Renova. Renova, or Retin-A , is FDA approved for the treatment of acne; however, a licensed doctor can use it to treat fine wrinkles. This is an off-label use. Dr. Beeson has been using Botox Cosmetic for many years as a non-surgical, medical alternative to treat unwanted frown and wrinkle lines in these areas. However, the FDA will only allow advertising regarding treatment of the “glabellar frown lines”.
How Long Has Botox Cosmetic Been Used?
Botox Cosmetic has been used in medical treatment for almost 20 years in the various parts of the world. Botox Cosmetic has been FDA approved for injecting into the eye muscles of children to eliminate the need for eye muscle surgery to treat the lazy eye, for treatment of spasms of the eyelid, and for treatment of certain types of neck spasms. For approximately 10 years, doctors have been using Botox as a non-surgical treatment for facial wrinkles. Now the FDA has approved Botox Cosmetic for the treatment of glabellar wrinkles. Botox is the only product of its kind with a proven 10-year safety record and effective use in hundreds of patients worldwide.
Are Botox Cosmetic Treatments Comfortable?
No. An anesthetic cream can be applied to the skin prior to treatment, which virtually eliminates or markedly reduces the mild skin prick sensation of the injections. Usually, patients are able to return to their normal activities the same day.
How Long Does Botox Cosmetic Last?

Some patients see the effects within the first 1-2 days. Studies have shown, and our experience has been, that most patients continue to show gradual improvement within the first several days, which is maximized at one week. However, there are some people who can continue to show improvement for an entire month. Our patients have shown that Botox Cosmetic can last between 3-7 months on average. However, the effect varies from individual to individual based upon their body’s metabolism and other factors. In general, we would recommend a patient return every four months for a Botox Cosmetic treatment. However, studies do show, and our experience has indicated, that with each injection, the results tend to last longer.
What Are the Potential Side Effects of Botox Cosmetic?
There is a potential downside associated with any medical treatment or procedure. With Botox Cosmetic, that downside is very shallow and appears to be confined almost entirely to temporary sagging of the eyelid muscle when Botox Cosmetic is injected very close, or into, the eyelid. Today, techniques have been perfected that make that very, very rare. FDA studies have shown that some patients can experience temporary headache, nausea, respiratory-like infections, or mild bruising and discomfort at the site of the injection. However, these were very infrequent and occurred in roughly the same number of patients who were not treated with Botox Cosmetic in their studies (placebo group).
What are the Contraindications to Botox Cosmetic?
Botox Cosmetic has not been evaluated in pregnant or breastfeeding individuals. Therefore, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or anticipate either, we would not recommend Botox Cosmetic treatment for you at this time. In addition, if you are taking aminoglycosides or any other drugs that interfere with neuromuscular transmission, there is a theoretical potential contraindication to botox cosmetic treatment. Patients with neuromuscular diseases such as myasthenia gravis, Eaton-Lambert syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, etc., are not recommended for Botox Cosmetic treatment.
Botox Treatment: How We Do It
Makeup is removed, and an antibiotic soap is used to clean the areas to be treated. Alcohol is not used, because alcohol can deactivate the neurotoxin. A topical anesthetic cream can help further reduce the discomfort of the injection. Very small gauge needles (30-gauge or smaller) are used to make tiny injections, which are almost imperceptible. The neurotoxin can have a slight burning sensation when injected. The more concentrated the neurotoxin, the more potential discomfort. The more “dilute” the less discomfort, but the wider spreading or diffusing the neurotoxin and the less long acting. Botulinum toxins work by blocking nerve ending receptor sites. This means that using twice the number of units necessary to block the receptor sites does not mean that the effect will be twice as long. Ideally, one would want to be able to inject the precise number of units to block all the receptor sites in that area and no more. Because botulinum toxin neuromodulators are “biologicals”, this is very difficult to calculate, and there are a multitude of factors which influence the number of units necessary to obtain the desired result.

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