Chin augmentation is used to treat a receding or weak chin which has resulted from long-term nasal blockage, enlarged adenoids, or dental problems.
The surgery may be done under “twilight” anesthesia from time of adolescence onward. The operation is usually performed from inside the mouth. When the submental lipectomy or double chin operation is performed at the same time the implant is placed from the incision under the chin. Healing is usually “complete” in one week. In many circumstances, this procedure is done in our office, therefore, it is not necessary for the patient to remain in the hospital any longer than if only the nasal surgery is performed.
A medical grade solid or mesh implant is used to increase skin projection by supporting the soft tissue overlaying the mandible (“chin bone”). This type material is used to make artificial heart valves, or arteries, reconstruction about the eye, and for many other purposes in surgery in almost every part of the body. It has been used in thousands of cases and has a high record of safety and satisfaction. After a short time has elapsed, it becomes practically the same consistency as the tissues and becomes incorporated into them.
With chin augmentation one must be willing to accept certain risks that may occur with any surgery on other areas of the body, (i.e., infection, rejection, paresthesias, swelling and discoloration).
This procedure carries a high success rate and in most cases adds the “finishing touch” when reconstructing facial harmony.
During your consultation your chin will be analyzed to determine if augmentation should be contemplated. Generally speaking, if one examines his profile in a mirror, the chin projection should approach a vertical line dropped from the lower lip.
Frequently this procedure may be combined with the “Double Chin Removal” or Submental Lipectomy to “lengthen” a short neck-chin line.

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